The Orange Whip
Over 92,000 Satisfied Golfers – Including Hundreds of Tour Professionals – Own The Orange Whip to Gain MORE POWER WITH LESS EFFORT
Go to a professional golf tournament and you’ll see many of the pros with this weird-looking device…a flexible shaft with a big orange ball on the end. Here it is…

And it’s in the bag of a well-known golfer…
It’s called The Orange Whip and it’s helping over 92,000 golfers gain perfect tempo and improved distance. The Orange Whip features a heavy but super-flexible shaft with a heavy orange ball at the end.
Swing The Orange Whip just 10-20 times a day and you train specific golf muscles to help you hit the ball further. You also develop tour-quality tempo.
It’s super-easy. Just make a few short swings with The Orange Whip then make some longer swings. The Orange Whip will not let you swing too fast. It won’t let you swing too slowly. If you’re off balance, the swing will feel weird. You’ll quickly know when you’re swinging well just by the way your swing feels.
Perfect tempo and timing gets your strongest golf muscles powering your swing and helping you gain MORE distance, with LESS effort.
It’s called The Orange Whip and it’s helping over 92,000 golfers gain perfect tempo and improved distance. The Orange Whip features a heavy but super-flexible shaft with a heavy orange ball at the end.
Swing The Orange Whip just 10-20 times a day and you train specific golf muscles to help you hit the ball further. You also develop tour-quality tempo.
It’s super-easy. Just make a few short swings with The Orange Whip then make some longer swings. The Orange Whip will not let you swing too fast. It won’t let you swing too slowly. If you’re off balance, the swing will feel weird. You’ll quickly know when you’re swinging well just by the way your swing feels.
Perfect tempo and timing gets your strongest golf muscles powering your swing and helping you gain MORE distance, with LESS effort.
17 Reasons Over 92,000 Golfers
Love Their Orange Whip
- Longer drives because your timing and tempo are dramatically improved.
- Develop powerful “tour lag” in the wrists to create perfect timing.
- Generate effortless power by engaging the golf “power muscles” in the hips and core.
- No more “casting” or weak over-the-top moves because The Orange Whip helps to keep your wrists cocked.
- Crisp, accurate irons…it’s easier to hit the sweet spot when you have excellent tempo.
- Simple to use…just 10-15 minutes a day is all you need.
- An easy way to “feel” perfect tempo—especially important if you’ve struggled with tempo in the past.
- A great warm-up tool before you practice or play.
- Swing indoors when the weather is poor. But make sure you’ve got enough space! We will not buy a new vase if you break one in your living room!
- Build key golf muscles by simply swinging The Orange Whip 10 times a day, twice a day.
- Gain valuable flexibility in the hands, arms, shoulders, hips, and legs.
- No need to hit as many golf balls so you don’t have to visit the range quite so often.
- No more tension in your swing which helps improve distance because you’re swinging freely.
- Perfect for juniors who can develop perfect tempo and timing early in their golf journey—and build those golf muscles.
- Recommended by top golf teachers around the world.
- Increases club head speed by up to 10 mph which can translate to 10, 20, 30 yards…even more…
- Totally personalized so you develop the perfect tempo for YOUR swing.
Take a look at The Orange Whip in action with this video courtesy of our friends at The Golf Channel.
And here’s PGA golf instructor Martin Chuck describing The Orange Whip. It’s become one of his favorite training aids.
The people behind The Orange Whip don’t give it away for free to professionals. Yet you’ll see them on all the tours. Here’s a partial list of touring professionals who have used The Orange Whip.
Adams, Blake | Douglas, Dale | Hurst, Vicky | Lowry, Shane | Rose, Justin |
Allem, Fulton | Doyle, Alan | Immelman, Trevor | Lu, Teresa | Rummels, Dave |
Ames, Stephen | Duke, Ken | Inkster, Julie | Lunde, Bill | Sharp, Alena |
Anderson, Mark | Every, Matt | Irwin, Hale | Marsh, Graham | Sheehan, Patty |
Armour III, Tommy | Fankhauer, Mollie | Ishikawa, Ryo | Mast, Dick | Simpson, Scott |
Atwal, Arjun | Faxon, Brad | Jacobs, John | McCarron, Scott | Singh, Vijay |
Austin, Woody | Fergus, Keith | Jacobson, Fredrik | McCullogh, Mike | Sluman, Jeff |
Bae, Kyeong | Finch, Ian-Baker | Jacobson, Peter | McDowell, Graeme | Springer, Mike |
Barnes, Ricky | Fleisher, Bruce | Janzen, Lee | McGirt, William | Stacy, Hollis |
Bean, Andy | Flores, Erik | Jenkins, Tom | Micheel, Shaun | Stanford, Angela |
Beem, Rich | Flores, Martin | Johnson, Dustin | Miller, Zack | Steinhauer, Sherrie |
Beljan, Charlie | Frost, David | Johnson, Tom | Mills, Jon | Stenson, Henrik |
Bertsch, Shane | Funk, Fred | Jones, Gene | Mize, Larry | Stiles, Darron |
Black, Chris | Gainey, Tommy | Jones, Rosie | Moreland, David | Strange, Curtis |
Black, Ronnie | Gallagher, Bernard | Kang, SungHoon | Morse, John | Stroud, Chris |
Blalock, Jane | Gangluff, Stephen | Kelly, Troy | Mulroy, Garth | Summerhays, Bruce |
Blixt, Jonas | Gardiner, Scott | Kendall, Skip | Murphy, Bob | Summerhays, Daniel |
Bohn, Jason | Gay, Brian | Kerr, Cristie | Norman, Greg | Thompson, Kyle |
Bowden, Craig | Gilder, Bob | Killeen, JJ | Ogilvie, Joe | Thompson, Leonard |
Bradley, Michael | Gillis, Tom | Kim, Christina | Oh, James | Teater, Josh |
Branshaw, David | Glasson, Bill | Kim, MH | Oh, Ji Young | Thorpe, Jim |
Brehaut, Jeff | Gomez, Fabian | Kisner, Kevin | Orr, Gary | Todd, Brendan |
Briggs, Danny | Goosen, Retief | Klauk, Jeff | O’Toole, Ryann | Toms, David |
Brown, Scott | Gore, Jason | Knost, Colt | Pappas, Brendan | Trahan, DJ |
Browne, Olin | Gove, Jeff | Knox, Russell | Pate, Steve | Uihlein, Peter |
Cabrerra, Angel | Green, Nathan | Kresge, Cliff | Paulson, Dennis | Vegas, Jhonattan |
Campbell, Chad | Hamerick, Hunter | Kuchar, Matt | Perez, Pat | Waite, Grant |
Carbello, Miguel | Harmon, Brian | Kuehne, Hank | Pernice Jr., Tom | Warren, Charles |
Caron, Jason | Harrington, Padraig | Lamely, Derek | Perry, Kenny | Watson, Denis |
Casper, Billy | Hart, Jeff | Lang, Brittany | Pfeil, Mark | Weekley, Boo |
Chappell, Kevin | Hayes, Mark | Langer, Bernard | Points, DA | Weibring, DA |
Cochran, Russ | Haynes, Jim | Lee, Danny | Potter JR, Ted | Weir, Mike |
Collins, Chad | Heintz, Bob | Lee, Richard H | Presnell, Alistair | Wetterich, Brett |
Cotner, Keoke | Henry, JJ | Lehman, Tom | Pressel, Morgan | Wheatcroft, Steve |
Creamer, Paula | Hensby, Mark | Letzig, Michael | Purtzer, Tom | Whitaker, Ron |
Crenshaw, Ben | Hietala, Ryan | Levin, Spencer | Quigley, Dana | Wie, Michelle |
Dahloff, Eva | Hoffman, Charlie | Lewis, Stacy | Rankin, Reilly | Williamson, Jay |
Daley, Joe | Holmes, JB | Lincicome, Brittany | Reavie, Chez | Wilson, Dean |
Dawson, Marco | Huh, John | Loar, Edward | Reed, Patrick | Yang, Y.E. |
Dickerson, Bubba | Hulbert, Mike | Lovemark, Jamie | Riegger, John | Yi, Eunjung |
Romero, Andres | Hurley III, Bill | Lowrey, Steve | Rollins, John | Zoeller, Fuzzy |
They use The Orange Whip because it helps them maintain their tempo—and hit big drives and super-accurate irons.
Take a look at what the media says about The Orange Whip.

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